Feature Summary

Features Delivered Disabled: Customer Action Required for Use

This table provides a summary of the features that require customer action before they can be used by end users. These features are delivered in a disabled state, and you can choose if and when to enable them.

Examples of such features include:

  • New or expanded BI subject areas that need to be incorporated into reports
  • Integration required to utilize new web services
  • Features that must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed

These features are non-disruptive since they remain inactive until you take action. You can selectively enable them, allowing you to set your own testing and rollout schedule.

Cloud Service Foundation

Feature Action Required
Private Endpoints to Virtual Cloud Network (VCN) (Outbound REST) Setup Required

Content Migration Assistant

Feature Action Required
Configuration Deletion Portal Setup Required

Data Privacy and Security

Feature Action Required
UI Masking for Numbers Setup Required

Implementation Tools

Feature Action Required
Algorithm Entity Information Portal Setup Required
Generate API Specification Files for Publication Setup Required

Product Usability

Feature Action Required
Easier Access to Release Notes Setup Required

System Wide

Feature Action Required
Oracle Analytics Server Setup Required

Features Delivered Enabled: Ready for Use by End Users

This table provides a summary of the features included in the document that are ready to be used by end users.

The impact of these features can be categorized as follows:

  • Larger Scale UI or Process-Based: These features have a higher potential impact on users due to their complex designs. Focus your acceptance testing on these features.
  • Small Scale UI or Process-Based: These features have minimal impact on users and typically involve minor changes to fields, validations, or programs.
  • Report: These features have minimal impact on users and include new or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready-to-run reports.

Cloud Service Foundation

Feature Impact
Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) Automation Support - Compression Small scale
Drop Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) Partition Support Small scale
Automated Monthly Database Partitions Small scale

Utilities Testing Accelerator

Feature Impact
Component Extension Elements - Export and Import Small scale
Test Flow Run Summary Report - Additional Filters Small scale

Batch Processing

Feature Impact
Batch Controls - Increased Batch Commit Frequency Small scale

Customer Information

Feature Impact
Service Point Portal - In Service and Out of Service Dates Small scale

Rate and Billing

Feature Impact
Delete Bill Using Background Processing Small scale
Online Bill - Assigning Alternative Bill Identifier Small scale
Rate Schedule - Detailed Description Small scale

User Interface Experience

Feature Impact
Unified Search Improvements - Easily Identify Active Service Accounts at a Location Small scale

Batch Processing

Feature Impact
Batch Email Includes Environment Information Small scale
Improved Batch Submission Small scale

Content Migration Assistant

Feature Impact
Improved Migration Related Searches Small scale

Implementation Tools

Feature Impact
Additional Terms Added to SQL Allowlist Small scale
Advanced Debugger Supported in a Cloud Environment Small scale
Client Folder Reorganization Small scale
Improved Open API Specification Small scale
Improved Portal and Business Object Option Configuration Small scale

Product Usability

Feature Impact
Master Configuration Improvements Small scale

User Interface Experience

Feature Impact
Batch Run Portal Small scale
Focused User Access Checks for Business Object Maintenance Flows Small scale
Standardize Bundle Portals Small scale


Feature Impact
Improved Explorer Zone SQL Maintenance Small scale
Portal and Zone Roles Small scale

System Wide

Feature Impact
Database Changes Small scale
Supported Platforms and Browsers Small scale
Application Services Small scale
Oracle REST Data Services Larger scale
Known Issues Small scale