Associate Service Requests with Billing Accounts

Use the Agent Service experience to create and associate a service request with a billing account. Previously, service requests could only be associated with a parent account.

Using the Customer 360 action menu, you can create a service request for the billing account you are viewing. The billing account ID and name are automatically populated on the service request. You can also edit the billing accounts associated with a service request by clicking the Edit Billing Accounts link from the actions menu in the Work Queue. This option opens a new window that displays a list of the billing accounts that are already linked to the service request. You can then add additional billing accounts to the service request or use menu options to associate other billing account attributes, such as premises and service contracts, to the service request.

Associating service requests with a specific billing account makes it easier for you to engage with your accounts. You can easily find service requests your customers are inquiring about by searching for them in the Work Queue or by accessing the interaction history associated with the billing account.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

  • Refer to Using Customer 360 in the Oracle Utilities Agent Experience User Guide.