Associate Service Requests with Billing Accounts

Use the Key Account Manager experience to create and associate a service request with a billing account. Previously, service requests could only be associated with a parent account. The Account 360 Service tab displays a list of all resolved and unresolved service requests for the selected account and its child billing accounts. Using the Account Spotlight, you can now navigate to a specific billing account and see a list of service requests associated with that billing account. Each item in the list displays key data that can help you assess the request, including the title, category, status, and assignee. This tab provides you with easy access to service information without having to access other systems or screens.

You can also create service requests directly from the Service tab, which automatically populates the request with the appropriate account and billing account information. Additionally, you can edit the billing accounts associated with a service request by clicking the Edit Billing Accounts link from the actions menu. This option opens a new window that displays a list of the billing accounts that are already linked to the service request. From here, you can add additional billing accounts to the service request or use the action menu to associate other billing account attributes, such as premises and service contracts, to the service request.

From the Account 360 Service tab, whether viewing a parent account or a billing account, you can use filtering and sorting to refine the list of service requests. You can search by title or reference number, and you can sort the list using other criteria, such as category or severity. By default, the service request list is sorted to display the most recent and most urgent service requests first.

Lastly, you can click the hyperlinked reference number on a service request to access the service request in the Oracle Fusion Service Center, where you can view more detailed information or access the edit screen to make changes.

Associating service requests with a specific billing account makes it easier for you to engage with your accounts and manage their issues. You can easily find service requests your contacts are inquiring about, which enables you to quickly provide informed status updates or next steps. You can also sort the service requests by category and severity to understand if the account is having recurring issues of a certain category or of high severity, which could impact the account's satisfaction.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

  • Refer to the Using Account 360 chapter of the Oracle Utilities Key Account Manager Experience User Guide.