One of your ideas has been delivered from your suggestion.Self-service Enrollment or Unenrollment Process - Work Activity Appointment Slots REST Web Service

The enrollment and unenrollment process can be initiated from different sources for example, the contact center agent initiating the process flow or the end customer initiating the process through the utility's self-service portal. In this release, the Work Activity Appointment Slots (X1-WorkActivityAppointmentSlots) REST web service enables the end customer to initiate the enrollment or unenrollment process flow and fetch appointment slots driven by the available crew-shifts for the activity type and the specified duration via the self-serve portal. Previously, the process flow only allowed the contact center agent to fetch the available slots and present these to the end customer on the call for selection.

This enhances the self-serve enrollment and unenrollment process.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.