One of your ideas has been delivered from your suggestion.Work Activity - Bundled Enrollments

The enrollment process allows the contact center agent to offer related programs to the customer on the call (for example, a customer enrolling in a Smart Thermostat Demand Response program is also eligible to enroll in the related Energy Efficiency program). In this release, several service scripts enable the contact center agent to bundle the different activities under a single work order after the enrollment in the related programs. These service scripts instruct the process flow panel to retrieve the available appointment slots for the different activities and enable the agent to present to the customer on the call these slots for selection. The application updates the selected appointment slots on the corresponding work activities and sends these to the appropriate field technician. When there are crew-shift slots common across the different activities, the application presents appointment slots that are based only on the aggregated work hour availability.

This improves the user experience for enrolling in related programs.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

The Program Type entity drives the related programs and the Service Task Type facilitates configuration of the template work order and identifier to support bundled enrollments.