One of your ideas has been delivered from your suggestion.Background Processes to Perform Billing Functions on Individual Bills

These new batch controls enable you to perform specific billing-related transactions via background processing:

  • Generate Single Bill (C1-GENBL)
  • Freeze Single Bill (C1-FRZBL)
  • Cancel Frozen Bill Segments (C1-CFRBL)
  • Reopen Single Bill (C1-OPNBL)

The updated Complete Single Bill (C1-CPLBL) batch control aligns the conditions to complete a bill with the online function for bills whose accounts have a small number of service agreements. Refer to the Detailed Descriptions associated with the Select Records and Process Records algorithms for more information.

These enable you to perform specific billing-related transaction functions for accounts containing large numbers of service agreements.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

  • Refer to the Detailed Descriptions for each batch control and associated algorithms for more information.
  • Refer to the On-Line Batch Submission section in the Administrative User Guide for more information.