Arrears History

The application captures a history of arrears (amount owed) for accounts under an active collection activity – those with an active collection, severance, or overdue process.  An arrears history record is created upon the respective process’s creation and a subsequent record created each time there is a change in the amount owed or other relevant data captured for that active collection activity’s account, until the collection activity becomes inactive.

The key information captured is the amount still owed for the collection activity, the cancellation threshold amount, the amount owed before being adjusted by future payments, and the reason the arrears history record was created.

There are a number of plugin spots responsible for capturing arrears history. These are called when the collection activity processes that collect on debt are created, system processes that monitor ongoing collection of debt, and by some system events such as payments or other credit financial transactions, creation of pay plans, and so on.  These plugin spots include:

  • Debt Class - Collection Process Cancellation
  • Debt Class - Severance Process Cancellation
  • Collection Process Template - Cancel Criteria
  • Severance Process Template - Cancel Criteria
  • Overdue Process Template - Cancel Criteria

The system uses child maintenance objects that extend their parent object to capture arrears history records for an active collection activity. Arrears history records are stored in the following tables:

  • Collection Process Arrears History (C1_COLL_PROC_ARS_HIST)
  • Collection Process SA Arrears History (C1_COLL_PROC_SA_ARS_HIST) (used when system is configured to use service agreement-oriented cancel criteria)
  • Severance Process Arrears History (C1_SEV_PROC_ARS_HIST)
  • Overdue Process Arrears History (C1_OD_PROC_ARS_HIST)

NOTE: Currently, there is no user interface to view arrears history records. Rather, these are stored in the system so these can be retrieved by other processes and APIs.

This feature will enable efficient inquires of debt under collection for a person or business, and also support utilities who want to analyze payment patterns for debt under collection.

This retrieves arrears-related information under active collection processing.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • Update implementation-specific algorithm types for these system events to leverage new inputs and populate outputs to create Arrears History records:
    • Debt Class – Collection Process Cancellation
      • Output: Unadjusted Arrears Amount
    • Debt Class – Severance Process Cancellation
      • Input: Calculate-Only Switch
      • Output:
        • Unadjusted Arrears Amount
        • Cancellation Threshold Amount
    • Collection Process Template – Cancel Criteria
      • Output: Cancellation Threshold Amount
    • Severance Process Template – Cancel Criteria
      • Output: Cancellation Threshold Amount
    • Overdue Process Template – Cancel Criteria
      • Output:
        • Arrears Amount
        • Cancellation Threshold Amount
        • Arrears Amount Indeterminant Switch
  • Run these background processes (batch controls) to create the initial Arrears History records for active processes:
    • Collection Process Monitor (CPM)
    • Create Severance Process Arrears History Records (C1-UPSAH)
    • Overdue and Event Cut Manager (C1-ODET)

Key Resources