Lead and Opportunity Enhancements

You can now associate leads and opportunities with a utility billing account. Previously, leads and opportunities could only be associated with an Oracle Fusion account. The Account 360 Leads and Opportunities tab now displays a list of all leads and opportunities for the selected account and its child billing accounts. You can also navigate to a specific billing account and see a list of leads and opportunities associated with that billing account.

The Leads and Opportunities tab provides you with easy access to lead and opportunity information for the Oracle Fusion account or utility billing accounts without having to access other systems or screens. By default, the lists are sorted to display the most recent leads and opportunities first.

You can click the hyperlinked name of the lead or opportunity to view more detailed information or access the edit screen to make changes to the record. You can also create leads and opportunities directly from the Leads and Opportunities tab, which automatically populates the record with the appropriate account and billing account information.

Finally, you can edit the billing accounts associated with a lead or opportunity by clicking the Edit Billing Accounts link from the actions menu. The system presents a list of the billing accounts linked to the record. From here, you can add additional billing accounts or use the action menu to associate other entities, such as a premise, to the record.

Associating leads and opportunities with a specific billing account makes it easier for you to engage with your accounts, forecast sales, and add value at the billing account level when needed. You can easily find the leads or opportunities you need to work on, which enables you to quickly take the next steps to advance the deal.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources