One of your ideas has been delivered from your suggestion.Controllable Device - Distributed Energy Resource (DER) Device Registration and Synchronization

The Device Registration process allows you to capture information for Distributed Energy Resource (DER) controllable devices installed at a customer's location. For example, an authorized energy aggregator initiates the device registration request to inform a utility when their customer connects a solar inverter to the grid. The energy aggregator also declares the location of the solar inverter and its manufacturer settings (Nameplate Ratings as per IEEE 2030.5 standards).

The utility validates the customer details and device specifications from the device registration request. The utility captures the device details and sends the information to the operational applications after a successful validation. The operational applications map the device details to the network model.

In this release, the DER Device Management (X1-DERDeviceManagement) API allows aggregators to register controllable devices like distributed energy resources. This includes the devices' nameplate capabilities. X1-DERDeviceManagement validates incoming data against the customer information received from the CIS application and the configured device specifications attributes within the application. The Device Registration process is similar to the Enrollment API except that the process enrolls all the devices to an internal registration program. The process saves device attributes in the asset or in the specification, depending on the asset type's configuration. The application sends an outbound synchronization request that includes the device nameplate ratings to external applications like Oracle Utilities Grid Edge DERMS upon a successful enrollment.

Additionally, the existing Enrollment Sync outbound request now includes additional attributes for Distributed Energy Resource devices as per IEEE 2030.5 standards.

This enables external systems to register the customers' Distributed Energy Resource (DER) controllable devices and for operational applications (like Oracle Utilities Grid Edge DERMS) to update the network model.

Steps to Enable

To enable this feature, complete these procedures:

Grant "Allow Attribute Update" Access to User Groups of the Controllable Asset Type BO

  1. Navigate to the Controllable Asset Type BO.
  2. Click the Application Service specified in the business object.
  3. Verify the Allow Attribute Update access mode in the Application Service.
  4. Go to the Application Security tab.
  5. Grant the appropriate user group(s) access to the Allow Attribute Update access mode.

Grant "Allow Attribute Update Access" to User Groups of the Controllable Asset Specification BO

  1. Navigate to the Controllable Asset Specification BO.
  2. Click the Application Service specified in the business object
  3. Verify the Allow Attribute Update access mode in the Application Service.
  4. Go to the Application Security tab.
  5. Grant the appropriate user group(s) access to the Allow Attribute Update access mode.