Access Visualizations

You can create an image that shows how users are granted conflicting access points. The image may display results returned by an access model or incidents generated by an access control.

Each image consists of nodes that represent users, roles, and privileges. Arrows connect these nodes to define user-to-privilege access paths. You can choose between views that arrange these nodes in differing ways:

  • Layers: The nodes form rows. Nodes in the highest row represent users. Those at the next level represent job roles assigned to those users. Those at lower levels represent subordinate access points, extending down to duty roles and then privileges that enable a user to view or modify data.

  • Flow: User-to-privilege paths flow generally from left to right. When paths for multiple users involve common roles or privileges, however, some arrows connecting nodes may extend up or down, curving to the right. (In some cases, individual paths may overlap. You may need to drag nodes representing users to positions that enable you to view all nodes.)