Work with an Access Visualization

Create a visualization from a page that lists either results generated by an access model or incidents generated by an access control.

  1. Navigate to that page by clicking the Results Count value for a model in the Models page or for a control in the Results by Control Summary page.

  2. Select up to 25 results to include in a visualization. To select one result, click in the row representing it. To select a continuous set, click the first row, hold the shift key, and click the last row. To select a discontinuous set of rows, hold the Ctrl key as you click rows.

  3. Click the Visualize icon.

Use the Legend

Nodes for each object type are depicted in a distinct shape and color, so that you can distinguish them easily. A Legend tells which shapes and colors correspond to which objects. You can take the following actions:

  • Hover over an entry to highlight objects of its type (by graying out other types of object).

  • Hide or expose the Legend by clicking its button.

Node Labels

You can use a Control Panel to zoom in or out of the image. As you do, the labels identifying nodes change:

  • If the image is large enough, each node displays the name of the item it represents.

  • If the image is smaller, symbols replace the names: U for user, R for role, S for predefined role, P for privilege, and A for aggregate privilege.

  • If the image is smaller still, the nodes are unlabeled.

Regardless of labeling, you can hover over a node to display the name and description of the user, role, or privilege it represents.

Use Control Panel Tools

A Control Panel contains these tools:

  • Change Layout: Select a view for the image, either Layers or Flow.

  • Zoom In: Enlarge the image. You can also use the mouse wheel to zoom in.

  • Zoom Out: Reduce the image. You can also use the mouse wheel to zoom out.

  • Zoom to Fit: Center the image and size it so that it's as large as it can be while fitting entirely in its display window.

  • Magnify: Activate a magnifying glass, then position it over nodes to enlarge them temporarily. You can use the mouse wheel to zoom in or out of the area beneath the magnifying glass. Click Magnify a second time to deactivate the magnifying glass.

  • Search: Enter text to locate nodes whose names contain matching text. The search uses a "contains" operator, selecting nodes whose names include the search string at any position.

  • Control Panel: Hide or expose the Control Panel.

If you right-click on a node, an Options menu presents the same tools as the Control Panel. Although you use a specific node to reach this menu, its options apply to the visualization as a whole.

Use the Overview

At the lower right of the image, click a plus sign to open the Overview, a thumbnail sketch of the visualization. In it, click any area of the thumbnail to focus the actual visualization on that area.

As an alternative, click the background of the visualization, then drag the entire image in any direction.

Simplify the Result Display

You can simplify either the visualization itself or the display of result records in the results page from which you generated the visualization.

  • In a panel titled Choose the Simplification, use a Level field to remove nodes from the visualization. Select Hide User to remove user nodes and retain role and privilege nodes. Select Hide User and Role to retain only the privilege nodes. Or click Show All to restore the full visualization.

  • Click a node in the visualization. Only nodes in the direct path to the one you selected remain "active"; others are dimmed. Also, the name of the node you selected appears next to an Apply button in the Choose the Simplification panel. Click that button to return to the results page and have it display records only of results that involve the user, role, or privilege whose node you selected. (Before clicking the Apply button, you can undo your selection: Click a user at the top of the visualization hierarchy, then click the background of the visualization.)