Create a Standard Filter

To create a typical standard filter for a transaction model:

  1. In the Model Logic panel, click Add Filter. A dialog box appears. Enter a name for the filter in its Name field.

  2. An Object field lists the business objects you've added to the model in the Model Objects panel. Select the one that includes the attribute you want to use in the filter. Then select that attribute in the Attribute field. For an example that's to be extended over the next several steps, suppose you select the Payment business object and its Payment Amount attribute.

  3. In a Condition field, select a predefined condition. For the example, suppose you select the Greater Than condition.

  4. Select the type of item that completes the condition. Then specify an item of that type. For text or numeric attributes, there are two options:

    • Select Value in a Type field. Then enter a fixed value in a Value field. Your filter might, for example, set the Payment Amount attribute to be greater than a fixed number, to select records with payment amounts that exceed the number.

    • Select Object in the Type field. Then, in Object and Attribute fields, select a business object and one of its attributes. This might, for example, be the Cleared Amount attribute of the Payment business object. The filter would return records with a payment amount value greater than the cleared amount value.

    The same options apply to date attributes, with one adaptation. If your filter uses one of the greater-than or less-than conditions, a value may be fixed or relative. For the former, you'd select a specific date. For the latter, you'd select a number of days, weeks, or months from the moment the model or control containing this filter is run.

  5. If appropriate, open the Advanced Options panel and select advanced options. You'll see only options that apply to the filter you created.

Certain conditions present special cases: A filter that uses the Is blank or Is not blank condition doesn't require a term to complete the condition. In a filter that uses the Is not related to condition, you specify business objects both to the left and right of the condition, but no attributes.