Edit a Simulation

You can edit or rerun a simulation: Select its row in the Access Simulations page, then select Edit. Or, click the simulation name to open its details page, then click the Edit button in that page.

However, if you initially based a simulation on a visualization, that visualization is no longer associated with the simulation as you edit it. So you can't use the procedure that involves selecting the connectors between access points in a visualization.

Thus no matter how you created a simulation, as you edit its remediation steps you must search for values in the Remove Access Point and From Access Point fields of rows in the Remediation Steps grid:

  • As you select a value for the Remove Access Point field, the Search and Add dialog enables you to search among all access points.

  • As you select a value for the From Access Point field, the Search and Add dialog enables you once again to search among all access points. Once again, however, be sure to select an immediate parent of your Remove access point in a role hierarchy.