Run a Simulation and Review Results

In the Remediation Steps panel, click the Run Simulation button.

A message displays a job number. Make a note of it. You can track the progress of the job in the Monitor Jobs page; click the Monitor Jobs button. Click the Done icon in the Monitor Jobs page to return to the simulation.

Once the job is complete, an Impacted Incident Path Counts panel presents results. In a View By field, select User, Control, or Role. A grid then displays the numbers of current and remaining incidents for each user, control, or role affected by the simulation, as well as the difference between these amounts.

  • Current is defined as the number of pending incidents that actually exist.

  • Remaining is defined as the number that would exist if the simulated changes were implemented.

An Overall Pending Incidents graph provides slightly different results: the current and remaining values for all pending incidents, both those affected by, and those unaffected by, the simulation.

Optionally, select Run Remediation Report to save or print the remediation steps and results of the simulation you're working in. Or, use a Simulation Remediation Plan dashboard to select simulations and view their remediation-plan steps and their results. The dashboard is available in the Oracle Business Intelligence Catalog.

A User and Role Impact page lists the users and roles that would be affected by the simulated changes. To reach this page, click the User and Role Impact button.

  • This page displays records only of paths that would no longer grant access to users. For example, suppose a control defines a conflict between two privileges, P100 and P200. A user has access to both. A remediation step simulates the removal of P100 from the role hierarchy that grants the user access to it. The User and Role Impact page would show a record of the user's access to P100, but not of the user's access to P200.

  • The removal of an access point from its immediate parent may not only resolve incidents. Some users may have legitimate access to the removed access point, and implementation of the remediation plan would shut off that legitimate access. The User and Role Impact page lists both types of user, those with resolved control violations and those with lost legitimate access. It documents the roles that would no longer grant access if the simulation were implemented.