Filter Model, Control, and Result Lists

By default, each of the pages for managing models, controls, or results filters the items it lists.

  • A Models page displays models whose status is active, and a Controls page displays controls whose status is active, regardless of who created them. To do so, each implements a saved search: Active Models in the one case, and Active Controls in the other.

  • A Results by Control Summary page lists controls that have generated incidents that have yet to be resolved. To do so, it implements a saved search called Pending Results.

  • From the record of a control in the Results by Control Summary page, you can open a page listing the incidents generated by the control. These too are subject to the Pending Results search, which displays only incidents that have yet to be resolved.

Create Searches

In any of these pages, you can create your own searches: Click the Show Filters option and, in a Filters panel, select filtering values. Then click Search.

As you create searches, the filtering values you select generally have an AND relationship: A search returns records that satisfy all filtering criteria. In the Models page, for example, you may select yourself in the Created By search field and a range of dates in the Creation Date field. You'd then see models created by you on those dates.

However, there's an exception. You can add search fields to the default selection. Click the Add Fields option to do so. You can add new instances of fields that already exist, and enter distinct search criteria in these fields. Duplicated fields have an OR relationship; each returns results independently of the other. For example, two Created By fields in the Model page would specify two users, and a search would return models that each of them has created.

Save Searches

You can save your searches. After selecting filtering values in the Filters panel, select Save. Then:

  • Enter a name for the search.

  • Select or clear a Set as Default option. Selecting this option causes the search to run whenever you open the page it applies to. You can select this option for only one saved search in each page.

To run a saved search, select it in the Saved Search field of the Filters panel. Then click the Search button.