State and Status of Records in Advanced Controls

Models, controls, and incidents are assigned status and state values. You can use these values to filter records in pages that list object records, and in Oracle Transaction Business Intelligence (OTBI) analyses.

The application assigns status values to models. Users or the application may set control status. A regular aspect of resolving incidents is for result investigators to assign status values that indicate what, if anything, is to be done about them (although some values are set by the application). State values are typically a function of the status values assigned to objects.

Here are the status and state values that apply to object records.


Model status values are Active and Inactive; model state values are Approved and Invalid. A model may be Active and Approved, or it may be Inactive and Invalid; there's no other combination of model state and status. The application sets these values for each model.

  • Active status and Approved state indicate that model filters use valid and current business objects and attributes of those objects. You can use the model to generate results, and you can deploy it as a control.

  • Inactive status and Invalid state indicate that model filters use at least one business object, or attribute of an object, that's obsolete. You can't use the model to generate results, or deploy it as a control.


Control status values are also Active and Inactive; control state values are also Approved and Invalid. If you make no selections, the application sets a status and state value for each control, in the same combinations and for the same reasons as it does for models.

However, if the state is Approved, you can select the status value as you deploy or edit controls. (When you deploy controls, their state is Approved by default.)

  • Select Inactive for a control you want to hold in reserve, or no longer want to use. All incidents generated by the control are set to a Control Inactive status. You can't copy, export, run, or schedule an inactive control.

  • Select Active for a control you want to put to use. You can copy, export, run, or schedule active controls.

If the application sets a control to the Invalid state, however, the application sets its status to Inactive and you can't change it.


Because selecting incident status is an essential aspect of resolving incidents, a topic titled Incident Status and State discusses these items in detail. For reference, however, the following table shows status names, whether they can be selected by users or are set by the application, and the states they correspond to. (State values are set by the application as a function of the status selected for the incident.)


Selected By



Application or user

In Investigation



In Investigation


Application or user





Control Inactive




