View Model or Control Details

Each row on the Models and Controls pages provides summary information about a model or control. Here's how you can view full details.

Expand Details

Each row presents summary details about a model or control. The details you see depend on selections you make in the View Columns menu. However, you'd typically select the Name and Results Count columns, whose values serve as links to other pages. Among the columns you can select:

  • Results Count, for a model, is the number of violations its most recent run discovered. For a control, it's the number of pending incidents the control has generated; in this case, however, the field reports only the incidents you (as the currently logged-on user) have access to. In either case, it's also a link to a page where you view results.

  • In the Type column:

    • Access indicates a model or control created in Oracle Advanced Access Controls.

    • Transaction - Pattern indicates an Oracle Advanced Financial Controls model that uses a pattern filter to perform statistical analysis. (It may also use standard or function filters.)

    • Transaction - Defined indicates an Oracle Advanced Financial Controls model that uses only standard or function filters to define a risk.

    • Transaction indicates a control created in Oracle Advanced Financial Controls. The distinction between Pattern and Defined isn't meaningful for a control, because you can't deploy a pattern model as a control. All transaction controls are defined controls.

You can expand a row to view more detail about the object it represents. To do so, click a triangular icon in the row.

For example, Hector Lassie created a model called "Credit memos paid to a wrong pay site" on August 12, 2022. He updated it on September 17, then ran it on the same day. It returned 293 records. The row for this model might show its name, September 17 as its run date, and 293 as its results count. But if you click the triangle icon in this row, a hidden panel opens to display additional values. These include its description and its type, in this case Transaction - Defined. Details also include Hector Lassie as the person who created, updated, and ran the model, the dates these actions occurred, and its run status (Completed in this case).

View Perspective and Related-Record Values

For a model or control, the expanded display of details includes a perspective field, which shows the number of perspective values assigned to the object. A control may be related to objects created in Oracle Fusion Cloud Financial Reporting Compliance. The expanded display for the control also includes a Related Records field, which shows the number of related objects. Hover over each number to reveal the names of the perspective values (and hierarchies they belong to) or of the related objects.

For example, a model called Duplicate Payables Invoices might be assigned a single perspective value. So the number 1 would appear in the Perspectives field of its expanded-details panel. But if you place the mouse cursor over this number, a display shows the name of the perspective value and its hierarchy, for example North America in the Organization perspective.

Display Results

From the Models page, you can't run a model, but you can view the latest results of a model that has been run. From the Controls page, you can both run a control and view the results. To view results in either case, you select the Results Count value for an object.

The row for the "Credit memos" model, for example, would include a results count of 293. Click that entry to open a page in which each row represents one model violation.