Work with Results by Control Summary

The Results by Control Summary page displays a list of controls that have generated incidents. It presents summary information about each control.

The details you see depend on selections you make in the View Columns menu. However, you'd typically select the Name, Results Count, and User Count columns, whose values serve as links to other pages.

You can set parameters to filter the list of controls. In the row for any control in a complete or filtered list, you can:

  • Click a triangle icon to open a hidden panel that displays additional details about that control.

  • Click the control name to open pages to view or edit the control. These are the same as the view and edit pages available from the Controls tab of the Advanced Controls work area.

  • Click the Results Count value to open a page that lists the control-generated incidents you've been authorized to see. In this page, you can mass-edit incidents or open incident records individually. The heading for this page is the word "Results" followed by the control name.

  • In the record of an access control, click the User Count value to open a Results by Control and User page. It's the first in a series of pages that enable you to work with sets of access incidents generated by a control, but filtered by user and role. This feature applies only to access controls. For records of transaction controls, the User Count column contains no value.