Add Details and Steps to a Test Plan

A Create Test Plan or Edit Test Plan page displays the name of the assessment activity type for which you're creating a test plan. You can't change that value. You can set the following:

  1. Enter or modify a name for the plan.

  2. Optionally, enter or modify additional values that define the plan further:

    • Provide a description for the plan.

    • Select a test frequency: whether a user should test the control daily, weekly, monthly, or annually.

    • Enter a sample size. This is a number of control-enforcement instances that must be examined for the plan to be completed.

    • Attach files to the test plan.

  3. Create steps. In a Test Steps panel, select Create. A numbered row appears; in it, use a Step Description field to define what the user is to do. Repeat this for all the steps you require. You can also:

    • Rearrange the order of steps: Select a step and click Move Up or Move Down.

    • Delete steps: Select a step and click Delete.

  4. Select Save or Save and Close. The latter action returns you to the Test Plans tab, where you can repeat this process to create test plans for other assessment activity types.