Overview of Issues

An issue is a defect or deficiency detected for an object or for an activity being performed against an object. You can work with issues in several places:

  • In the Issues work area: Create an issue that applies to any number of objects, review its details, update it, or close it.

  • From the Issues tab in the record of a risk, control, or process: Create, update, or close an issue specific to the object you're working with.

  • From the record of an assessment, risk analysis, risk evaluation, or risk treatment plan: Create an issue specific to the item you're working with.

The resolution of an issue typically includes these steps:

  1. A user creates an issue.

  2. A user with proper authorization validates the issue, either determining that it requires investigation, closing it, or putting it on hold.

  3. If the issue is valid, a user with proper authorization determines whether a remediation plan is required for the issue to be resolved. If not, this user closes the issue.

  4. For a valid issue, the user creates or selects a remediation plan, which consists of tasks to correct the issue. Other users respond to worklists to complete the remediation tasks. The remediation plan is marked as complete, and the issue is closed.