Create or Edit an Issue

To create or edit an issue, name it and supply details that define a defect to an object or activity. One way to do this is to work within the Issues work area.

Use either of two methods to open the page to create an issue. (Note, though, that you can't create an issue against an object that's in the New state.)

  • Select the Create Risk Management Issue quick action from the Risk Management springboard. (Depending on the number of quick actions available to you, you may need to select a Show More option on the springboard.)
  • In the Issues work area, select the Issues tab. Then select the Create icon.

To edit an issue, select the Issues tab, select the row representing an issue, and select the Edit icon. Or, click the name of an issue and, in a page to view details about it, click Actions > Edit Issue.

As you work with the issue:

  1. In an Issue Details panel, enter or modify required values. These include:

    • A name.

    • A rating of the issue's severity. In addition to default severity values, you can define and use your own. To define values, use the lookups feature available in the Setup and Administration work area.

    • Status. Typically, select Open for a new issue. You may select On Hold or In Remediation as you edit an issue, to mark progress toward its resolution. You can't use the lookups feature to create new status values.

  2. Still in the Issue Details panel, optionally enter or modify values that define the issue further:

    • Enter a description. This can describe the defect or deficiency the issue is meant to address.

    • Select a type. Your organization can use the lookups feature to create its own type values.

    • If you're editing an issue, you may select values that can be determined only during issue evaluation. These include whether the issue requires remediation, the cost if the issue is left untreated, the cost of treatment, and the issue's likelihood of recurrence. Fields for these values are available in the issue-editing page, but not in the issue-creation page.

  3. If descriptive flexfield segments have been defined for the Issue object, these appear as fields in an Additional Information panel. Provide values for these fields.

  4. In a Related Records panel, select the items the issue applies to. You can select any combination of processes, risks, or controls. The first record you select is considered to be the "Origin," meaning it's the record in which the issue was first identified. Once you submit the issue, you can't change this designation or remove the Origin record, although you can add or remove other related records.

    • In an Object Type field, select Process, Risk, or Control.

    • Click Add. In a Select and Add Related Object for Issue page, select one or more records of the object you selected in the Object Type field. (Use the Ctrl or Shift key to select discontinuous or continuous sets of records.)

    • Select Done to return to the create- or edit-issue page.

    • Repeat the procedure if you want to select records of other object types.

  5. Save or submit the issue.

As you edit an issue, you may also select one or more remediation plans for it. Typically, you'd select one plan for each object record related to an issue. However, you must create the remediation plans before you can select them for an issue. See Select a Remediation Plan for an Issue.

Outside of the Issues work area, you may:

  • Work in the Issues tab of the record of an individual risk, control, or process to create or edit an issue specific to that object, or review its details.

  • Work in the Assessment tab of an individual object record, or from the page to complete an assessment of an object, to create an issue against an assessment. (This option is available, however, only in assessments for which an Allow Users to Create Issues option is selected during assessment initiation.)

  • Work in the Analysis, Evaluation, or Treatment Plan tab of a risk record to create an issue against an analysis, evaluation, or treatment plan.

In each of these cases, the procedure to create or edit an issue is mostly the same as when you work in the Issues work area. The one exception: As you create the issue, the Related Records panel isn't available. You can't select items the issue applies to because it necessarily applies only to the item you're working with. However, the Related Records panel is available as you edit a risk, process, or control issue, and you can add other objects then.