Survey Question Formats

Survey questions may take the following formats. For any format other than open text, you can associate a question with a choice set.



Single response

Radio buttons present multiple options. Only one can be selected.

Single response with other

Like single response, except one option is Other. That option permits text to be entered.

Single response drop down list

A list of values presents multiple options. Only one can be selected.

Multiple choice list

A scrolling list presents multiple options. Any number can be selected.

Check all that apply

Check boxes present multiple options. Any number can be selected.

Check all that apply with other

Like check all that apply, except one option is Other. This option permits text to be entered.

Rating on scale

Radio buttons present a range of values. Only one can be selected.

Numeric allocation

A number is entered for each of several options, quantifying each in comparison with the others.

Open text

A text box permits free-form text to be entered.