Develop Survey Questions

To create a survey question, you write it and determine its format, how it's displayed, and potentially a selection of possible answers.

You can create two or more questions with identical wording. This enables you to create differing sets of responses to the questions. When questions have the same text, it's recommended that you add descriptions to them to distinguish them.

Use either of two methods to open the page to create a survey question.

  • Select the Create Risk Management Survey Question quick action from the Risk Management springboard. (Depending on the number of quick actions available to you, you may need to select a Show More option on the springboard.)
  • In the Surveys work area, select the Survey Questions tab. Then select the Create icon.

To edit a question, open the Survey Questions page, select the row representing a question, and select the Edit icon. Or, click the ID number of a question and, in a page to view details about it, click Actions > Edit Definition. You can edit a survey question only if it hasn't yet been selected for a survey template.

As you work with the survey question:

  1. In a Details panel, write the question itself. If you include line breaks in your question text, those line breaks are maintained when the question appears in a survey.

    Optionally, you can write a description, click a check box to add a comments field to the question, or click a check box to enable participants to attach files or URLs to their responses.

  2. Still in the Details panel, select a status (Active or Inactive) and a type. Your organization can use the lookups feature, available in the Setup and Administration work area, to create its own type values. (See Manage Lookups.)
  3. In a Question Format Type panel, select a format. (See Survey Question Formats.) You can also select display options, such as whether answer choices appear in a column or a row. These vary by question format.

  4. If appropriate, select a choice set as you select a format. Its choices then appear in rows in a Question Choices panel. You're limited to choice sets associated with the format you select. These associations were established when the choice sets were created.

    If you're editing a question for which a choice set was selected, the Choice Set field is blank, but the choices saved for the question appear in the Question Choices panel and continue to apply. If you select another choice set, its choices replace those previously saved for the question.

  5. Regardless of whether you select a choice set, you may use the Question Choices panel to create new choices, select from existing choices, or modify or remove choices. If you start with a choice set, any changes you make apply only to the question you're working with; the choice set itself remains intact to be selected for other questions. You can also arrange the order that choices are to appear in, and you can save the list of choices you end up with as a new choice set.

In the page to view or edit a question, you can select a Preview option from the Actions menu. A pop-up window then shows how the question will appear to participants as they complete a survey.