Attach Documents in the Original Worksheet

Any user with access to a worksheet can attach items to it. An attachment may be a file (such as a text file or a spreadsheet) or a website that documents or provides supporting information for decisions about individual user-role combinations.

You can attach items to only one row at a time, but you can attach as many items as you like. Select the row, then expand the Actions menu and select its Add Attachment option. An Attachments dialog opens; you can simply drag files to it and drop them there. Or you can complete this procedure:

  1. Click the link in the Attachments dialog.

  2. Click Add Link or Add File.

  3. Depending on your selection:

    • Type, or copy and paste, a URL into an Add Link dialog box. Then select Save and Close. Repeat if you want to attach additional URLs.

    • In a file-upload dialog, navigate to and select the file you want. Then select Open. (The title of the dialog, and the name of the option you select to complete the attachment, may depend on the web browser you use.) Repeat if you want to attach additional files.

No matter whether you use the drag-and-drop method or select items, click OK to close the Attachments dialog.

Once files are attached to a user-role combination, an icon appears in the Attachments cell of its row. To view the attachments, click the icon. The Attachments dialog opens, displaying up to five links to attachments. If there are more, a Load More Items link appears, and you can click it to display more attachment links, five per click until all are on display. Click the link for an attachment to open it.