Edit a Certification

Owners have broad rights to edit a certification while it's in the process of being initiated. Owners and editors have more limited rights to edit a certification after initiation is complete.

If you're an owner and you want to edit a certification before it's fully initiated, locate its row in the Access Certifications home page. Then:

  • Click Edit in its Actions menu. This takes you to the Scoping Certification page. You can change general settings; add or remove attachments; modify the security configuration; and add, delete, or modify scoping filters.

  • Click Finalize Roles to reassign roles to role managers and certifiers.

You may also return from a page you're working in to a previous one, to make changes. In the Scoping Certification page, click an Edit button in any region you've already worked in and left. In the Finalize Roles page, click an Edit Scoping button to return to the Scoping Certification page. For example, if the roles displayed in the Finalize Roles page aren't those you expected, you can select the Edit Scoping button to modify your scoping filters.

Once an owner clicks the Initiate button in the Finalize Roles page, users authorized as owners or editors can make limited edits. To begin, either type of user would click Edit in the Actions menu of a certification's row in the Access Certifications home page. Then:

  • Owners and editors can modify the certification name, description, and due date among the general settings, and can add or remove attachments.
  • In the Security Assignment region, owners (but not editors) can delete users, add users, modify their Authorized As setting, and select them as role managers or certifiers.

Once initiation is complete, scoping filters can no longer be modified. Neither can settings in the Finalize Roles page. However, an owner can reassign role managers and certifiers, and role managers can reassign certifiers, in the overview pages.