Filter and Search for Records

Just above the grid, a search bar enables you to filter or search for the user-role combinations you want to work with.

By default, a Pending Submission filter is in force; its "chip" is present in the search bar and the grid lists only records that haven't yet been submitted. You can click the chip to toggle the filter, so that the grid shows either records that have been submitted or those that haven't. Or you can remove the chip, so that the grid shows both submitted and unsubmitted records.

Beneath the search bar, you can select among up to four chips that suggest other filters you can set. These may, for example, include an Action chip to filter by action status, a Role Name chip to filter by role, a User Name chip to filter by user, and a Direct Manager chip to filter by direct manager.

Or, you can click a More Filters chip to select from a list of still more possibilities. When you select from either source, the filter's chip moves into the search bar. If you've selected one of the "suggestion" chips, another chip from the More Filters list replaces it among the displayed suggestions.

Each chip is available only if a filter created from it would refine the current list of user-role combinations. Moreover, each suggestion chip displays the number of its filtering options you can use to refine the list. That number changes depending on the filters you apply and the actions you take. Here's an example of how these principles might apply to the Action filter chip:

  • A standard certification has just been initiated. You're one of its certifiers, and your worksheet includes records of 20 user-role combinations. The Action chip doesn't initially appear, because all 20 of the records are initially set to a single action, Review. So an Action filter would serve no purpose: A filter on the Review action would return the 20 records that are already on display, and a filter on any other action would return none.

  • You update the Action value for four records, selecting Investigate for two and Keep Role for the other two. The Action chip now appears and displays the number 3, because a filter based on any combination of three actions would return results. These actions include Investigate and Keep Role for the four records you've updated, and Review for the remaining 16.

  • Suppose that the records you updated apply to one user, who doesn't appear in any other records in your worksheet. You filter on that one user. The Action chip now displays the number 2, because only a filter based on either of two actions, Investigate and Keep Role, would return results.

When you select a filter chip and it moves to the search bar, it displays filtering options. These vary by filter: You can click check boxes if you're selecting among a few values (the Action filter, for example, has only four values at most). Or if you're selecting among many values (when you set the User Name filter, for instance) you can use a search field to find the values you want. Some filters enable you to set date ranges. The toggle available in the Pending Submission filter is actually available in any filter that offers a choice between two values.

Multiple filters have an AND relationship; you'll see only records that satisfy all of them. Each filter you add reduces the pool of records available for subsequent filters to return. You can remove filters; for each, click its deletion icon (×) in the search bar.

Finally, you can search on user name and role name: Type text into the search bar, and the grid returns records of users and roles that contain the text you've typed (and that satisfy all current filters).