Sort Records

You can sort records of user-role combinations by the values in any column. This enables you to organize your work around a particular view of a certification.

You might sort on User Name, for example, to review all roles assigned to each user, one user at a time. For another example, assume that users who report to a given direct manager should all have the same roles. You might sort by Direct Manager to review the role assignments of each direct manager's team.

In the heading of any column, click on an icon that looks initially like two chevrons, one pointing up and the other down. In most cases, values in your sort column are then ordered alphabetically and, of course, values in the other columns are rearranged so that records remain intact.

In a few cases, a column shows whether each record has or doesn't have values of the type specified for the column. For example, the Comments column displays an icon if at least one comment has been added to a record, or a blank cell if not. A sort on such a column is binary, listing first the records with values, and then those without values.

Repeated clicking on a sort icon toggles between an initial sort and a reverse-order sort, for example A to Z and then Z to A. (If you've sorted a column once, its icon changes to a single chevron pointing in the direction of your next sort.)