Filter Records

You can filter the grid that displays user-role combinations. Click the Show Filters button to select among filtering parameters.

  • The grid displays a maximum of 500 records, even if more records exist. If the grid is at its limit, you can apply filters to cause it to display records that aren't on display. For example, if you've selected the Approve or Remove action for all visible records, you can filter for pending records to see those remaining to be worked on.

  • If an owner has selected user attributes for display in user-role records, you can use the Add Fields option to add these as filtering parameters. However, this option lists all possible attributes; be sure to select only those actually on display in the grid.

    • A user-attribute search uses a "contains" operator, returning all records with attribute values that contain a text string you search for. A record may include more than one value for a given attribute. You can search on any of them.

    • In general, an AND condition applies if you search on multiple attributes: the search returns records that satisfy all search criteria. But you can use the Add Fields feature to add an attribute more than once. In that case, an OR condition applies; each filter for that attribute returns records independently of the others.
  • You can select either of two saved searches: One displays all user-role combinations, and the other displays only those that haven't yet been submitted. (Submission means that the certifier forwards records of certification decisions to the role manager for review.)
    • For a standard certification, the default search returns unsubmitted records. (It's unusual for a standard certification to contain submitted records. That's because the certifier submits all user-role combinations at once. But it's possible: A role may be assigned to all eligible certifiers. If one of these certifiers submits a decision involving that role, the submitted record remains in the worksheets of the other certifiers.)

    • For a continuous certification, the default search varies: After completing certification decisions for user-role combinations available at a given moment, a certifier may submit them. However, more may be added later. So at any point, the worksheet may or may not contain unsubmitted records. If the certifier opens the worksheet when it contains only submitted records, it defaults to the all-record search. But if the worksheet contains any unsubmitted records, it defaults to the search that returns only unsubmitted records.