Format of the Original Worksheet

At the top of the original certifier worksheet, a heading gives the name of the certifier and a subheading provides the name of the certification. Three record counts update themselves as the certifier makes decisions. These include the number of user-role combinations selected for approval, the number selected for removal, and the number that remain pending.

A Details region provides this information:

  • Fields supply the certification type, certification date (when it was initiated), due date, and role counts. The counts include the number of roles to be certified, the number of roles whose certifications are complete, and the number of user-role combinations whose certifications are complete. These counts also update themselves as the certifier makes decisions.

  • An Owner field identifies the owner, if there's only one, or provides a drop-down list in which you can select among multiple owners. Hover over a selected owner's name so that a hidden icon appears, then click the icon to display a card with information about the owner.

  • An Attachments field initially lists up to five files or URLs attached to the certification by the owner during initiation. If more than five items are attached, a Load More Items link appears. Click it to display more items, five per click until all are on display. Click the name of an attachment to open it. In this Details region, you can view documents, but you can't attach or remove them. (You can add attachments to individual user-role combinations. See Attach Documents in the Original Worksheet.)

In an Access Certifications region, a grid displays records to be reviewed by the certifier who owns the worksheet. Each row displays a role paired with one of the users it's assigned to. Each row also identifies the user's direct manager and includes values for up to six attributes the owner has selected.

Within the grid, you can hover over the name of a user so that a hidden icon appears. Then click the icon to display a card with information about this user.