Overview of Certification Initiation

To initiate a certification, you complete these tasks:

  • Name it and provide general information about it. This includes whether it's to be new or based on a previous certification. If it's new, you also decide whether it's standard or continuous, and whether direct managers are to participate.

  • Optionally, attach documents to the certification.

  • Secure the certification: Appoint users to participate in the certification as owners, role managers, or certifiers, and determine level of access each user has.

  • Scope the certification: Create filters that select the roles whose assignments to users are to be reviewed. For that purpose, you may take either a top-down or bottom-up approach. Top-down means all assignable roles are selected by default, and you remove those you don't want. Bottom-up means no roles are selected by default, and you add those you do want.

  • Finalize roles: From those returned by the scoping job, select roles to be included in the certification project. Then allot sets of those roles to certifiers who make judgments about whether each role is appropriate for each user assigned to it, and to role managers who oversee the work of certifiers. For each set of roles, you can select among users you appointed as role managers and certifiers as you secured the certification.

You can complete these tasks only if you have owner privileges. To begin, click Create in the Access Certifications home page. Or, select the Add Access Certification quick action from the Risk Management springboard. (Depending on the number of quick actions available to you, you may need to select a Show More option on the springboard.) In either case, a Scoping Certification page opens. In it, a General region is active.