Provide General Information

Your first decision in initiating a certification is whether to develop it from scratch or base it on an existing certification. In the General region of the Scoping Certification page, a Reuse Prior Certification Definition option is cleared by default.

You may:

  • Leave the option cleared to start from scratch. In this case, you must create a name for the certification and set a due date. You select its type: standard or continuous and with or without direct manager review. You may also add a description.

  • Select the Reuse Prior Certification Definition option. A list field presents certifications created by any owner; select one of them. The name, description, and type values are taken from the certification you select. You must modify the name and set a due date. You may retain or modify the other values.

Select a Type

If you initiate a certification from scratch, select one of four values in a Type field. (If you base a certification on an earlier one, you can't change the type value you inherit from the earlier certification.)

  • Standard: The certification comprises records of assignments of your scoped roles to users at the moment you finish initializing the certification. No records are added over the life of the certification. Owners, role managers, and certifiers participate in the certification.

  • Standard with Direct Manager Review: The same as Standard, except that direct managers of users also review the assignments of scoped roles to users who report to them.

  • Continuous: The certification focuses on assignments of your scoped roles to users made after you finish initializing the certification. Initially, no records are returned; records that would be returned for a standard certification are excluded. Each day over the life of the certification, however, worksheets are updated to include new assignments of scoped roles to users. On any given day, certifiers may have new user-role combinations to evaluate. Owners, role managers, and certifiers participate in the certification.

  • Continuous with Direct Manager Review: The same as Continuous, except that direct managers of users also review the assignments of scoped roles to users who report to them.

Before you run a continuous certification, consider running a standard certification that scopes the same roles. Otherwise, you're effectively accepting the role assignments that exist at the moment you initiate the continuous certification. If these haven't been reviewed, they may include some that should have been rejected.

Next Steps

Select the Save and Continue option to proceed to the next step in initiating the certification. You may instead select a Save and Close option, which returns you to the Access Certifications home page. There, a new row is added for the certification you've begun, and its status is Scoping. When you reopen the certification, the General region is once again active. You may make changes in it; regardless of whether you do, select Save and Continue to proceed to the next step.