Predefined Jobs

An Access Certification Synchronization job runs in the background to complete the following tasks.

  • Ensure the validity of owner assignments to certifications. If any is invalid, replace it with an All Eligible Owners value.

  • Update reporting tables with changes to owner, role manager, or certifier assignments.

  • Update active continuous certifications with new assignments of scoped roles.

The job begins running when your organization creates its initial certification. At that point the job runs once a day. You're expected not to modify this schedule.

An Access Certification Notifications job sends some of the notifications you can receive. (Others are triggered by users completing actions in the application.) You can't run this job directly. Instead, you run a Security Synchronization job, which launches the Access Certification Notifications job. You can schedule the Security Synchronization job to run, or run it on demand, from the Scheduling page in the Setup and Administration work area.

A third predefined job evaluates scoping filters during the certification initiation process. It returns roles selected by the filters. This job runs only on demand; you can't schedule it.

While a job is in progress, you can check its status in the Monitor Jobs page. To open it, click the Monitor Jobs tab.