The Access Certifications Home Page

If you're an owner, role manager, or certifier, or an editor or viewer without additional authorizations, you begin at the Access Certifications home page. It displays a grid listing the certifications you can work on, providing summary information about each.

Note: If you're a direct manager, you don't use the Access Certifications page or other pages accessible from it. Instead, you respond to notifications or you work from a My Team worksheet in the Access Certifications work area.

The information displayed in certification summaries depends on selections you make in a View Columns menu. The defaults, however, include name, due date, type (standard or continuous, and with or without direct manager review), percentage complete, and status.

Certification Status

If you're an owner, status may indicate the stage you've reached while initiating a certification.

  • Scoping: You're ready to create filters that select roles for the certification.
  • Finalizing: Scoping is complete and you're selecting role managers and certifiers for the scoped roles.

Once initiation is complete, other statuses apply.

  • Active: Work to review user-role combinations may proceed. When a certification reaches this status, role managers and certifiers see it for the first time in their Access Certifications page.
  • Terminated: The owner has abandoned the certification before its completion.
  • Closed: The certification is complete, and the owner has ended work on it. A standard certification is complete when all the user-role combinations discovered during initiation are at the approved or rejected status. A continuous certification is complete if all newly discovered user-role combinations are at the approved or rejected status when the owner elects to close the certification.

Actions and Links

The grid includes an Actions column and a Links column. The Actions column offers these options:

  • Finalize Roles: The owner can assign scoped roles to role managers and certifiers. For each certification, this option is available only to owners, once scoping is complete.
  • Delete and Terminate: The owner can discontinue certifications. The Delete action applies to a certification that hasn't yet been fully initiated, and removes the record of that certification. The Terminate action applies to an active certification; it leaves records of that certification on display, but doesn't allow updates. These options are available only to owners.
  • Edit: Opens the certification for modifications. Before an initiation is complete, edit options are available only to owners, and are wide-ranging. You can, for example, work in the page to create or modify scoping filters. Once a certification reaches Active status, edit options are available to owners and editors, but are limited; at that point you can no longer change the scope of the certification.
  • Send Email Reminder: Sends messages requesting that users complete certification tasks. This option is available only to owners and role managers. (See Send Email Reminders.)

The Links column provides a link to the manager overview page if you're a role manager, to the certifier worksheet if you're a certifier, or to both if you serve in both capacities. For a given certification, you see entries in this column only if an owner has selected you as a role manager or certifier.

Other features include these:

  • The Create option (a plus-sign icon) begins the process of initiating a new certification.
  • The name of a certification is the link to its owner overview page. This link becomes live only when initiation is complete and the certification becomes active.
  • Tabs available throughout the application open pages to manage entitlements, monitor jobs, and select user attributes.