Send Email Reminders

Certification owners and role managers can send email messages that remind users to complete certification tasks. There are two prewritten messages.

  • The first is intended to be received by role managers and certifiers. An owner can send it to either or both. A role manager can send it only to the certifiers he or she manages.
  • The second is intended to be received by direct managers, and is available only in certifications that involve direct managers. Both owners and role managers can choose to send it.

Each message either reports the number of days remaining before certification tasks are due, or warns that the due date has passed. (The default wording of each message changes depending on when it's sent in relation to the certification due date.) The owner or role manager who sends the message can edit the default wording. Recipients include only role managers, certifiers, or direct managers who haven't already completed their tasks. Owners and role managers can send these messages regardless of whether email notifications are activated in Setup and Administration.

While using Oracle Fusion Cloud Access Certifications (or any Oracle Fusion Cloud application) each user selects a language to work in. (See Multiple-Language Support.) The subject and body text for email reminders appear in the language selected by the owner or role manager who sends them. All recipients of the reminders receive them in that language, no matter what languages they've selected.

To send email reminders:

  1. In the Access Certifications page, locate the record of the certification for which you want to send reminders.
  2. Expand its Actions menu and select Send Email Reminder. A Send Email Reminder page opens. It always presents the message for role managers and certifiers. It presents the message for direct managers only if the certification is one of the "with Direct Manager Review" types.
  3. Ensure that checkboxes are selected only for the types of users to whom you want to send messages. Owners can select any combination of checkboxes labeled Manager, Certifier, and (if appropriate) Direct Manager. Role managers can select Certifier and Direct Manager.
  4. Review the subject and body of the messages you intend to send, and either accept the default wordings or edit the messages.
  5. Click the Submit button.