Reassign Role Managers and Certifiers

An owner can revise the assignments of roles to role managers and certifiers. A role manager can revise the assignments of roles to certifiers working under his direction. Either would use an overview page to do so.

  1. Navigate to the overview page containing rows for the role managers or certifiers whose assignments you want to change.

  2. Select check boxes in the rows representing those people. Or, to select all rows, click the check box next to the Actions button. Then click Actions > Edit.

    Or, to work with a single row, click an Actions icon at the right of the row. It looks like an ellipsis. Then select Edit.

  3. A Mass Assignment page opens, listing roles assigned to users you selected in step 2. Select one or more of these roles. (Use the Shift or Ctrl key to select continuous or discontinuous rows.)

  4. Click the Edit icon.

  5. A Mass Assignment dialog opens. Use it to designate a new role manager or certifier for the roles you selected in step 3.

    • If you're an owner, you may click the Manager icon (an option that's not available to role managers). A User Assignment dialog presents a list of users authorized as role managers in the Security Assignment region of the Scoping Certification page. You can filter the list. Select the user you want to manage the roles you selected, and click Apply.

    • If you're an owner or role manager, you may click the Certifier icon. The User Assignment dialog now presents a list of users authorized as certifiers in the Security Assignment region of the Scoping Certification page. Select the user you want to certify the roles you selected, and click Apply.

  6. Back in the Mass Assignment dialog, click Apply. In the Mass Assignment page, the Manager and Certifier columns refresh to display the selections you've made.

  7. Select Save and Close. Notifications are sent to the newly assigned role managers and certifiers.