Create Criteria for Page Layouts

You can create criteria for a standard and custom object's page layout, so that a condition, or a set of conditions, must be met before the page layout is displayed. You can restrict the page layout by role, geographical region, and by field value.

Assign User Roles to a Page Layout

You can create a page layout for a standard or custom object that will only be displayed to one, or multiple user roles. This can be very useful if, for example, you want to create a page layout for a Sales Manager role, which will require certain fields on an opportunity detail record that other sales team members won't need. Here's how you set it up:

  1. Sign in to the Oracle CX Sales application as user with a Sales Administrator role.

  2. Select the sandbox you want use for your configurations.

  3. Open Application Composer by selecting Application Composer under the Configuration category in the Navigator menu.

  4. Under the Common Setup Menu, or on the Overview page, click Mobile Application Setup.

  5. In the Application Features pane, click the feature that contains the page layout that you want to add roles to, for example, Opportunities.

  6. Select the relevant type of page view, such as the List or Summary view.

  7. In the Layouts pane, select the relevant page layout, or create a new page layout (see the Configure the App Using the Configuration Tool topic for details about how to create a page layout).

  8. In the Assigned Roles pane, select the role, or roles, that you want to add.

  9. Click Save.

Assign Geographical Regions to a Page Layout

Adding geographical regions to a standard or custom object's page layout, enables you to restrict its availability to users from a selected set of geographical regions. For example, if you add the United States and United Kingdom regions to a page layout, then only users from these countries can view the layout. Here's how you set it up:

  1. Repeat steps 1 to 7 in the Assign User Roles to a Page Layout section.

  2. In the Assigned Regions pane, select the geographical regions by clicking on the region. Select as many regions as you require.

  3. Click Save.

Assign Advanced Criteria to a Page Layout

Creating advanced criteria enables you to define a set of conditions that have to be met before the page layout is displayed for a standard or custom object's Summary or Edit views. For example, if you create criteria for an Opportunity Summary layout as follows: Opportunity Type is Equal to Finance, then any opportunities with a Finance opportunity type will use your layout in the Summary view.

  1. Repeat steps 1 to 7 in the Assign User Roles to a Page Layout section.

  2. In the Advanced Criteria pane, create your criterion by selecting a field from the list, an operator, and then entering the relevant field value.

  3. To add a conditional statement to your criterion, click Add Criteria, and select AND or OR. Enter the field, operator, and relevant field value.

    Note: If you want to have multiple AND/OR conditions, it's best to use custom scripting to specify your criteria. See the "Configure the App with Custom Scripts" for information about creating a custom script.
  4. Click Save.

If you're creating criteria for a child object's page layout, then you can choose fields from the child and parent object. For example, you can create an advanced criteria where an opportunity's Opportunity Type value determines the page layout for opportunity revenue page.

Prioritize Your Page Layouts

Page layouts display in priority order in the Layouts pane. The page layout at the top is the first layout that's displayed to the user, if they fit the criteria that you have set up. The second page layout is the second layout that displays if the user doesn't fit the first criteria, but does fit the second page layout's criteria, and so on. You can move the layouts around by dragging them to your preferred priority position.

It's recommended that you create a default layout that's applicable to everyone and place the default layout at the bottom of the Layouts pane. Setting a default layout means that users will see at least one of the page layouts if they don't fit the criteria you have set up.

Test Your Page Layouts

It's important to test your configurations before publishing the sandbox. See the Test Your Configurations topic for details about how to check your mobile configurations.