Get Started with Your Mobile Implementation

The Oracle CX Sales Mobile app is ready to use after you download and install it. It's best to try out the app and become familiar with its standard capabilities.


Check these things first:

  1. Check that Adaptive Search is deployed in the Sales application, and that search indexing processes are run and regularly scheduled. The CX Sales Mobile app uses the saved searches powered by Adaptive Search.

    See the Records Management section in this guide for information about how to create useful lists of records for users.

  2. Make sure that your device is ready to use with CX Sales Mobile:

Try It Out!

Now you can try out the app and familiarize yourself with the standard capabilities:

  1. Sign in to the app and take note of the default objects, fields, and page layouts. While doing that, think about these questions:
    • What objects are available?
    • What fields and related objects are displayed with each object?
    • What do the page layouts look like for each object?
    • Do you need to configure the home page and reports page more than your users can already do themselves?
      Note: See the Personalize the Home and Reports Pages for End Users topic for more details about user personalization for the home and reports pages.
  2. When you're familiar with the default settings, consider whether you need to change anything to address your organization's needs. For example:
    • Does CX Sales Mobile display the standard and custom objects that your sales team needs to work with?
    • Are the fields that you require displayed for each of those objects? Do you want to add or remove other fields, including custom fields?
    • What about the related objects?
    • Do you want to configure the page layouts?
    • Do you need page layouts for users in different geographical regions or with different roles?

To find out how to make these configurations, review the Configure section in this topic. You'll also find out about the other configuration options for the app.

Configure the App

There are two ways that you can configure CX Sales Mobile:

  • Using profile options
  • Using the configuration tool in Application Composer
  1. Start by enabling and disabling profile options for the app. Profile options lets you, for example, enable the call logging feature. See the Enable or Disable Features Using Profile Options topic for the full list of profile options.
  2. Use the CX Sales Mobile configuration tool for additional configurations. See the Configure the App Using the Configuration Tool topic for details.
  3. After making configurations, make sure that you test them and publish the sandbox. See the Test Your Configurations topic for more details.

On-Board Your Sales Representatives

Now you want to think about how you're going to roll out the application to your salespeople. Here are some tips:

  • Consider a phased roll-out, starting with a pilot project that includes a small group of users.
  • Collect feedback from the test users and create training materials to address their specific needs.
  • Capture screenshots on your mobile device for use in your training materials.
  • To create videos of the application, download software that lets you record your screen on your computer.
  • To present live training, download software that lets you mirror your mobile device on your computer.
  • Consider creating a web page on your intranet with information and links relating to the application.
  • Inform your users of the QR code, if you've created one. You could publish the QR code on your intranet web page.
  • Make sure that your users have their mobile devices up and running. Remind yourself of the questions that they might have by reviewing the Prepare section of this topic.

Create a QR Code and Install the App

To make signing in to the app easier for your users, create a QR code that automatically populates the sign-in settings. You can create a QR code using any QR code generator. You can find many free ones on the internet.

So that you can associate it with the QR code, you need to create a URL that automatically populates the sign-in settings. Here's how to create the URL:

  1. Find out the host URL by signing in to your Sales application, and in your browser's address bar, locate the part of the URL between https:// and the next slash (/). For example, it might be something like: Take a note of the host URL, as you'll use it in the next step.
  2. Create the URL to use in the QR code. The general format of the URL is cxm://?host=<host URL>&type=<authentication type>. Enter the host URL that you made a note of in the first step to the <host URL> value. Enter the authentication type of either basic or sso (single sign-on) to the <authentication type> value. For example, if you want to create a URL for basic authentication, use this format: cxm://?host=<host value>&type=basic. If you want to create a URL for single sign-on, use this format: cxm://?host=<host value>&type=sso.
    Note: <host URL> and <authentication type> represent the host URL, or authentication value, so ensure that you don't include the brackets when entering the actual value.

Install the CX Sales Mobile app and sign in:

  1. Open the App Store, or Google Play, and search for Oracle CX Sales Mobile application, and then tap Install.
  2. Open the app and accept the legal terms.
  3. If you've already created your QR code, then you can use that to sign in. Alternatively, tap I don't have a QR code on the sign-in page, then tap Basic Authentication or Single Sign On, and enter the host URL that you made a note of in the Create a QR Code and Install the App section.
  4. If you selected the single sign-on option, enter your SSO information. If you selected the Basic Authentication option, enter your CX Sales application user name and password.
  5. Tap Sign In.
    Note: If you're using SSO to sign in to the app there's no additional setup required for CX Sales Mobile. However, ensure that you have SSO set up for the Oracle CX Sales app.