Tips for Using Meeting Recommendations

Here are some tips for getting the best quality recommendations for CX Sales Mobile and some more information about how it works.

How the Feature Works

  • After you have created a call report or an appointment, the sales recommendations feature analyzes the call report meeting notes and the appointment description field and recommends future actions, such as creating follow-up meetings or future tasks. For example, entering “create a follow-up meeting” in the meeting notes triggers a recommendation to create an appointment.
    Note: Call report meeting notes and appointment descriptions are only analyzed if the call report is created in the CX Sales Mobile app.
  • As salespeople usually enter meeting notes after a meeting has taken place, the appointment description is analyzed after the appointment time has passed. For example, if a salesperson creates an appointment for the next day at 10 AM, the appointment description won’t be analyzed until the salesperson enters text in the description after 10:00 AM the next day.
  • Because the information in the meeting minutes is interpreted using the app's natural language capabilities, phrases such as "create a meeting for next Friday" are calculated to the correct date.
    Note: If the call report meeting notes or appointment description doesn’t mention a time zone, the recommendation is created based on the sales representative’s time zone selected in the Oracle CX Sales web app. If the mobile device is in a different time zone, CX Sales Mobile converts the time in the recommendation to match the mobile device's time zone.
  • When you refer to a person's name in the minutes, such as "give Lisa the project plan", the app searches for the person in the existing sales data as follows:
    1. The contacts in the call report are searched and if there's a match the app adds the contact to the recommendation.
    2. If the person hasn’t been found, the app searches the account contact list.
    3. If the app matches the person, then the person is added as a contact to the recommended appointment or task.
    Note: In these searches, the app uses the account associated with the call report or appointment.

    If more than one contact is found, then a contact won't be added to the recommended appointment or task. Salespeople can create a contact if there isn't one, or pick from a list if there's more than one.

  • Create contact recommendations are provided if the name referred to in the note isn't found in the:
    • Call report
    • Appointment’s contact list
    • Account’s contact list
    The app then looks at the smart list for a matching name, and if no match is found, then it recommends creating a contact for the account.
    Note: If the call report isn't associated with an account and the contact is found in the smart list, then the contact is added as a contact to the recommended appointment or task.
  • If a sales representative accepts the suggested recommendation, they are prompted to review the information before saving. After it's saved, the task or appointment is created with pre-populated information that has been gathered from the appointment description, or the call report meeting minutes.
  • Recommendations expire automatically 7 days from when the recommendation was created.

    If it is an appointment or task and the recommended appointment/task has a start date/due date, the recommendation for it will expire the next day. It will fall back to 7 days if the appointment/task doesn't have a start date or due date.


  • To receive the highest quality recommendations, meeting minutes need as much detail as possible. For example, entering "create a meeting at 4" could mean creating the meeting at 4 AM or 4 PM, so it's best to enter "create a meeting at 4 PM".
  • Because the feature uses natural language processing, there could be times when a recommendation isn't generated, or some of the information isn't interpreted correctly. Therefore, sales representatives should review the recommendation for accuracy.
  • If a call report is edited, the recommendations from the original call report are cleared and new recommendations are generated.
  • The recommendations feature only supports English at the moment.