Track Leads and Opportunities Using the Business Unit Field and Define Page Layouts by Business Unit

You can add the business unit field to an opportunity or lead page layout, enabling you to track opportunities and leads by business unit.

Also, you can define opportunity and lead page layouts by business unit, allowing you to create business unit specific layouts that display relevant fields in order of preference, making it quicker for your sales representatives to enter and update their opportunities or leads. You can also create CX Sales scripts that use the business unit field, meaning that you can, for example, enforce validations or business logic specific to a business unit, or mark fields as mandatory based on selected business unit.

Add the Business Unit Field to an Opportunity or Lead Page Layout

The business unit field is hidden by default, so here's how you add the field to the opportunity or lead List, Summary, or Edit page layout:

  1. Sign in to the Oracle CX Sales application as user with a Sales Administrator role.

  2. Select the sandbox you want use for your configurations.

  3. Open Application Composer by selecting Application Composer under the Configuration category in the Navigator menu.

  4. Under the Common Setup Menu, or on the Overview page, click Mobile Application Setup.

  5. In the Application Features pane, click Leads or Opportunities.

  6. In the Layouts pane, select the relevant page layout, or click the Click to Clone icon for the standard layout if you want to create a new page layout.

  7. In an opportunity layout, add the Business Unit ID field to the page layout, in a lead layout add the Business Unit Identifier field.

  8. Click Save.

  9. Test and publish your new page layouts. See the Test Your Configurations topic for details about how to check your mobile configurations.

Once you have added the field to opportunity and lead pages, the business unit value displays automatically for sales representatives who work in one business unit. Sales representatives who work across multiple business units can select the relevant business unit when they create an opportunity or lead.

Create Lead and Opportunity Page Layouts for Business Units

You can create a new page layout that's displayed for specific business units, or assign a business unit to an existing page layout. Here's how:

  1. Create a lead or opportunity page layout, or select an existing page layout.

  2. Add the Business Unit field to a lead and opportunity page layout (see the steps in the Enable the Business Unit Field section above).

  3. In Advance Criteria, select Add.

  4. Select Business Unit ID for opportunity layouts or Business Unit Identifier for leads layouts, the operator, and the relevant business unit field value.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Test and publish your new page layouts. See the Test Your Configurations topic for details about how to check your mobile configurations.

Create Custom Scripts for Business Unit Page Layouts

Using the CX Sales scripting feature, you can help guide sales representatives when they're creating or updating sales records by enforcing validations or business logic specific to a business unit, or specify field behavior based on selected business units. For example, you can make fields mandatory for a specific business unit page layout, or you can hide the business unit field if you don't want a sales representative to see it. For more details about creating scripts, see the Configure the App with Custom Scripts topic.