Use Filters on Dynamic Choice List Field Pickers

Use simple or advanced filters on dynamic choice list fields, so that the corresponding object picker displays a filtered set of records. When users use the object picker, they see the records that meet the filter criteria, so that they choose from the correct set of records.

Here's how to add a filter to dynamic choice list fields that appear in your Edit page layouts:
  1. In a publishable sandbox, navigate to Application Composer > Mobile Application Setup > CX Sales Mobile Composer
  2. In the Application Features pane, click the relevant object or child object.
  3. In the object's Views pane, click the Edit page layout.
  4. In the Layouts pane, select an existing page layout, or create a new one by clicking the Click to Clone icon.
  5. In your page layout, add your dynamic choice list field. If the dynamic choice list field is already in the layout, remove it and add it to the page layout again.
  6. Hover over the dynamic choice list field and click the pencil icon to view the options.
  7. Configure the following dynamic choice list settings:
    • Use Filter Criteria: Enable this option to use the dynamic choice list's filter criteria. If it's not enabled, CX Sales Mobile uses the Workspace saved search associated with the dynamic choice list target object as the filter.
      Note: The app doesn't support advanced filters that have Groovy expressions where the bind variable value is conditionally derived from the Groovy expression. In this instance the filter that's used is the Workspace saved search associated with the dynamic choice list target object.
    • Show List by Default: Enable this option to display the list of records by default when the user taps the picker.
    • Choose Search Field: Select which field is used when the user searches for a record.
    • Choose Search Operator: Choose the appropriate search operator.
  8. Click Ok.
  9. In the header, click Save.
  10. Test your updates by following the steps in the Test Your Configurations topic. Make sure that you force close the CX Sales Mobile app, before opening the app again, and verifying that the dynamic choice list filters are being used correctly.
  11. Publish the sandbox to make the updates available to all users.