Use Mobile Device Management Software to Install CX Sales Mobile

You can use Mobile Device Management software to install the CX Sales Mobile application, enabling you to manage the CX Sales Mobile app in your organization.

The Mobile Device Management software lets you prepopulate the host URL value and then:

  • Require that salespeople sign in with their basic authentication details; or
  • Specify that salespeople use their single sign-on details to sign in

Here's how you set it up:

  1. Add CX Sales Mobile to your organization's Mobile Device Management application catalog.
  2. In the Mobile Device Management app, navigate to the application configuration details so that you can specify configuration values for CX Sales Mobile.
  3. Create a new configuration record to set the host URL value. Use these values:
    • Configuration Key: CXM_HOST
    • Value Type: String
    • Configuration Value: Your organization's host URL value. See the Get Started with Your Mobile Implementation topic for information about how to find your host URL value.
  4. Create another configuration record to specify basic authentication sign in or single sign-on (SSO). Use these values:
    • Configuration Key: CXM_AUTH_TYPE
    • Value Type: String
    • Configuration Value: Don't enter a value to use SSO. Enter BASIC if you want to use basic authentication.