Convert a Prospect to an Account

Using REST APIs, you can convert a prospect to an account in Oracle CX Sales and Fusion Service. A prospect is a possible sell-to entity or a person used to define leads. An account is a specific sell-to entity within a given customer.

You can create leads against prospects, but a prospect must be qualified and converted to an account before you can create opportunities for it. You can use REST services to get all prospects that you've created, and then convert one of those to an account.

Get all Prospects

You can query all prospects using the attribute Type.

Example URL

The following is the format of the resource URL.



Example Response

The following is an example of the response body in JSON format.

Content-Type: {
   "items" : [12]
   -0: {
      "PartyId" : 999997568799048,
      "PartyNumber" : "CDRM_290880",
      "SourceSystem" : null,
      "SourceSystemReferenceValue" : null,
      "OrganizationName" : "High Technology_102304669",
      "UniqueNameSuffix" : "(REDWOOD CITY, US)",
      "PartyUniqueName" : "High Technology_102304669 (REDWOOD CITY, US)",
      "Type" : "ZCA_PROSPECT",
      "OwnerPartyId" : null,
      "OwnerPartyNumber" : null,
      "OwnerEmailAddress" : null,
      "OwnerName" : null

Convert a Prospect to an Account

Next, update the prospect with the ID CDRM_290880 to a account.

Example URL



Example Request

The following is an example of the request body in JSON format.

  "Type": "ZCA_CUSTOMER"

Example Response

The following is an example of the response body in JSON format.

Content-Type: {
   "items" : [12]
   -0: {
      "PartyId" : 999997568799048,
      "PartyNumber" : "CDRM_290880",
      "SourceSystem" : null,
      "SourceSystemReferenceValue" : null,
      "OrganizationName" : "High Technology_102304669",
      "UniqueNameSuffix" : "(REDWOOD CITY, US)",
      "PartyUniqueName" : "High Technology_102304669 (REDWOOD CITY, US)",
      "Type" : "ZCA_CUSTOMER",
      "OwnerPartyId" : null,
      "OwnerPartyNumber" : null,
      "OwnerEmailAddress" : null,
      "OwnerName" : null