Technician's Access Hours REST Endpoints

Technician's Access Schedules/Technician's Access Hours
The technician's access hours identifies the hours in which a technician can access a customer site.
Create a technician's access hour
Method: post
Path: /crmRestApi/resources/{AccScheduleNumber}/child/hours
Delete a technician's access hour
Method: delete
Path: /crmRestApi/resources/{AccScheduleNumber}/child/hours/{SchedHoursId}
Get a technician's access hour
Method: get
Path: /crmRestApi/resources/{AccScheduleNumber}/child/hours/{SchedHoursId}
Get all technicians' access hours
Method: get
Path: /crmRestApi/resources/{AccScheduleNumber}/child/hours
Update a technician's access hour
Method: patch
Path: /crmRestApi/resources/{AccScheduleNumber}/child/hours/{SchedHoursId}