Subject Areas for Adoption and Usage Reporting

Reporting on CX sales application usage gives you analytic data to evaluate user activity in terms of logging in and out of the application, as well as what they are doing when they are logged in.

There are prebuilt reports that you can use as a starting point for user adoption. Use these as a template and modify them to suite your business needs. Download the User Adoption catalog from the User Adoption – Object Activity and Resource System Usage page on Customer Connect.

Here are some of the business benefits of user adoption analytics:

  • See the relationship between being signed into the application and interaction with objects.

  • Leverage usage patterns and behaviors from successful users as best practice guidelines for other users.

  • Gain insight on usage and trends for potential future investment opportunities.

  • Identify improvements that can increase adoption and usage.

Note: Adoption and usage reporting applies to CX sales and B2B service and does not apply to the BI application in terms of reporting.

Adoption and Usage Subject Areas

There are five subject areas to use when you build application tracking analytics.

  • Sales - CRM Resource System Usage: This subject area supports reporting on the interaction with the application by the user.

  • Sales - CRM Object Activity: This subject area supports reporting on object activity metrics such as number of records created and number of records updated.

  • User System Usage: This subject area supports reporting on whether a user was active or not for a particular day, and what channel they used, and when they were active.

  • CRM - CRM Click History: This subject area helps you understand individual, team, and organization usage in your application: It gives you data on the most and least used flows and helps you discover usage patterns that impact adoption.

  • CRM - CRM Reporting Usage: This subject area let's you see how much your users are looking at their analytics in OTBI. This subject area exposes metrics on usage for subject areas, analyses, and dashboards.

Application Usage Insights contains similar data provided in these subject areas. You can find the Application Insights icon on the Sales home page. Or you can use the subject areas above to build your own application usage analytics.

Resource System Usage

Resource system usage reporting makes it possible for you to analyze many different aspects of user interaction with your application such as:

  • Adoption and usage from different channels over a period of time.

  • User log-ins, sessions, and active days by channel, such as web, mobile, mail.

Here are some of the details on usage tracking values:

  • An important metric used in this subject areas is # of Active Days.

  • An Active Day is a day in which a user logged into CX Sales. It is not a count of log-ins by a user on a day: if a user logs in once or more, it is considered an Active Day for that user. # of Active Days is helpful metric for understanding usage trends.

  • The day value is based on the server time zone.

  • Sessions can be reported for the web and mobile channels.

  • Tracking differentiates between user activities made directly by the user, or through a proxy user.

  • Two additional Metrics are used in these subject areas, they are # of Active Users/Resource and # of Users/Resource.

Object Activity

The primary metrics used for object activity subject area is Insert Action Count and Update Action Count. These metrics provide information on the number of records added, and the number of records updated. In addition this subject area now supports reporting on object activity for the latest CX Sales mobile and Microsoft 365 applications.

Here is the information you can analyze using the object activity subject area:

  • Track the type of object that was updated.

  • Name of the employee who did the update.

  • Manager of the employee that did the update.

  • Number of records that were added.

  • Number of records that were updated.

  • Date the record update was made.

  • Month the update report is produced.

User System Usage

This subject area provides information on user activities. Use this subject area to determine whether or not a user was active for a particular day, what channel they used, and when they were active.

Here is the information you can analyze using the User System Usage subject area:

  • How is the user activity split across channels: web/mobile/email?

  • Which department has the highest number of active users?

  • User with which job titles are the most active?

  • Who are the top 10 active users?

  • Who are the users who have not logged into the application in the last week?

Click History

See the topic "Click History Subject Area".

CRM - CRM Reporting Usage

This subject area exposes metrics around reporting. There are dozens of analytics that come out of the box for your users. You likely have many available for users to view in different interfaces. They might look at analytics in infolets, they might look at dashboards that hold analytic detail, or they may have analytics on their Analytics page. Whenever they view an analytic the application keeps track of that activity. The CRM - CRM Reporting Subject area pulls all that data together and makes it available for your reporting insights. Knowing which reports are being used by your team helps you focus on what's important. You can use your valuable resources to build on those analytics, and save resources by eliminating less used reporting tools. Like the other user adoption subject areas, this subject area also requires that users intending to access this subject area need to have duty role FBI_USER_SYSTEM_USAGE_TRANSACTIONAL_DUTY.

Reporting Guidelines

Setting up the time parameters for user adoption reporting can be tricky. For best results follow these guidelines:

  • To be sure the analytics you created in R12 work after you upgrade to 18A+, you should apply the # of Active Days > 0 filter.

  • Add a filter for a specific year. The Resource User System Usage subject area shows usage for all Time Periods and Users/Resources. This reporting method tracks when the user is actively using the application and the months where there were no activities/system usage. For this reason you should define specific time filters. Without time filters, the report shows results for the complete 100 years Time dimension.

  • Avoid reporting by date. Instead use Month or Quarter.

  • Filter by group of users, instead of individual users.

  • Apply a filter on the # of Active Days fact > than 0 to ensure the analytic shows positive reporting values.