Click History Subject Area

The new CRM - CRM Click History subject area allows reporting on user clicks. Click History reporting reveals the areas of the application that individuals, teams, and organizations are using, or not using in CX Sales and Fusion Service.

Things to Keep in Mind

There are some behaviors and best practices to be aware of as you are working with analytics that use the click History subject area.

  1. This subject area shows negative reporting for the click and time dimensions. This allows reporting on flows that are not clicked and times when there are no clicks.

  2. This subject area shows clicks for all Time Periods, based on the Employee dimension, to support reporting on time periods with or without clicks. If a custom report is built which includes a Time Period at either Year or Month, the report should be filtered by a specific time period. Without such a filter, the report shows results for the complete 100 years in the Time dimension.

  3. For best performance, it is recommended to:

    1. Add a Time filter for a specific year or month. Time filters should not be longer than one year.

    2. Add a Resource filter.

    3. Try to break large reports into small reports.

Profile Option Requirements

Users of any of the adoption features need to do a few things to use adoption and usage tracking. See the topic "Setup Adoption and Usage Tracking" in this chapter. You will need to have the FBI_USER_SYSTEM_USAGE_TRANSACTION_ANALYSIS_DUTY role to access the Click History subject area as well as the other user adoption subject area data and analytics. You will also need to set the ORA_ZCA_CH_DISABLE profile option value to No in order to enable click history data logging. Follow the same steps as in Setup Adoption and Usage Tracking.

ESS Scheduled Processes for Click History

Although ESS scheduled processes run in the background automatically for all roles, not all roles can manage scheduling details. For Click History scheduling, the Sales Administrator, Sales VP, and Sales Manager roles come enabled to access the Click History Purge Process and User Analytics Click Mapping Translation ESS jobs. Any custom roles need to assign the Populate Click Description Process privilege to their role. Note that for setup or when you enable a new language you need to run the User Analytics Click Mapping Translation job once. For detail on scheduled processes for Click History see "Scheduled Process for Analytics" in Chapter 5.

Click History Subject Area Data Sources

The Click History subject area has three novel areas of information, Application flow, Channel, and Click History Detail. Each of these areas have key fields and facts that are used for reporting.

This table shows the area of Application flow. Application flow is an area of an application that usually represents a task or activity.

Application Flow Fields

Field Description


A description of the click event.

Description Code

A language-independent version of the Description field.

Flow Name

The name of the flow where the click happened.

Flow Name Code

A language-independent version of the Application Name field.

This table shows the area of Channel flow. Channel flow represents the means used to access the application, for example web, mobile, or Office 365.

Channel Flow Fields

Field Description

Channel Name

The name of the channel of the click. Click History only reports on clicks in the WEB channel.

Channel Code

A language-independent version of the Channel Name field.

This table shows the area of Click History Detail the area that represents what users are looking at and for what amount of time they stayed there before the next click.

Click History Detail Fields

Field Description

Application Name

The application, such as CRM or HCM, which the click happened.

Application Name Code

A language-independent version of the Application Name field.

Render Time

The time in milliseconds the UI took to update because of the click.

Total Time

The Render Time plus the network or server time it took to return a response because of the click.

User Interface Element

The type of UI element clicked.

User Interface Element Code

A language-independent version of the User Interface Element field.

User Region

The geographic region or country where the click occurred.

This table shows the area of Facts. Facts in this area are the metrics and measurements of the Click History data.


Fact Description

# of Clicks

Number of clicks is the count of clicks returned in the result.

Average Click Render Time

Average render time of the clicks returned in the result. This is the average of the Render Time field.

Average Click Total Time

The average total time of the clicks returned in the result. This is the average of the Total Time field.