Assignments by Role or Direct Assignment to Individuals

Use roles or direct assignments to associate individual participants with incentive compensation plans, payment plans, and pay groups. Use role assignment if you have many participants that you can map to roles. You can always perform assignments using both methods.

Direct Assignment of Participants

For direct assignments and changes, the save action in the Participant Assignments or Participant Snapshot work areas immediately creates and updates the records directly in the participant tables.

  • The Save action requires participant and effective start date values during the assignment

    You can edit start and end dates.

  • Saving enters an event in the Changed Events Log for calculation purposes

    View the log file in the Credits and Earnings work area.

  • It also performs the currency validation

When you delete a direct plan assignment, the delete process immediately does these actions:

  • Removes the participant assignment record from the database

  • Logs an event in the Changed Events Log

The next time the calculation process runs, it creates corresponding reversal records for the participant whose assignment you deleted from the plan.

You can use the REST web service to create, edit, or delete a direct assignment. Raise a request for your assignment action. When you run the Deploy Compensation Plans process your requests take effect. You can then see your changes in the UI.

Assignment of Participants Using Roles

Assign a role to a participant in the Participant Snapshot work area. Then use Assignment tasks in the Participant Assignments work area to edit a compensation plan, pay group, and payment plan and add the role. The Deploy Compensation Plans process assigns any participant with that role to the plans and pay groups also assigned the role.

When you save edits to a compensation plan, pay group, payment plan, or role, the save process does these actions:

  1. Immediately creates, updates, or deletes records in the intersection tables, where it stores the data until you deploy the incentive plans

  2. Logs an event in the Changed Events Log

The Deploy Incentive Plans process must run to complete your assignments. You can use the Deploy Compensation Plans menu task to run the process. If the process completes with a warning, then fix the errors given in the log and run it again.

Caution: You can assign a role to multiple payment plans during a period or date range. But, a participant can't have more than one payment plan with the same payment plan category at the same time.

You can use rules to automatically assign participants to roles, which speeds the process of assigning new participants to plans and pay groups. Use different roles to separately assign people to compensation plans, pay groups, and payment plans, because it's easier to maintain the assignments over time. For example, a participant receives a new plan assignment or changes jobs, but remains in the same pay group used for payment. While you assign new compensation plans every year, you don't have to assign new pay groups, because the frequency of payment doesn't change.