Calculation Request Parameters

When you create a calculation request, you specify process parameters including for which participant to calculate earnings. Make your request at a time when others aren't making changes to compensation plans to be calculated.

Use the Manage Calculation Processes task in the Credits and Earnings work area to create calculation requests. When you submit calculation, it implicitly decides whether to run calculation in incremental or full mode for a specific participant.The process runs for the selected business unit. You can run calculation for more than one business unit at the same time. Doing so splits the number of available workers across all calculation processes.

Specifying the Calculation Participants

If you select calculation for all participants or for participants in a plan, then the calculation not only reverts and re-runs for the participants in the Change Events Log, but it also updates the earnings for the rest of the participants. This ensures that earnings are updated, even for participants who have changes affecting their earnings that aren't recorded in the change log. These two options are recommended as best practice selections. If you select calculation for all participants in notify log, then the calculation only runs for the participants in the Change Events Log.

Use the Calculate For parameter to specify the participants to include.

Selected Participants


All participants

This default selection for full calculations is the best practice selection.

Include all of the defined participants for calculation.

Participants in notify log

Calculation processing automatically handles all dependencies among participants. It processes these participants:

  1. Participants in the notify log.
  2. Participants with new credits.
  3. Participants with credits that have resulted in an error in a previous CALC run
  4. Participants with a per interval plan component, where the CALC run period matches with the last period of the interval of the plan component

Specific participants

Select the participants using one of these methods.

  • Specific participants: Directly select and enter resources.

  • Participants in compensation plan: Select one or more plans to include all of the associated participants in the calculation. The dates for the selected plans must be equal to, or earlier and later than the specified calculation To and From dates, respectively. If a participant picked up by the Participants in Compensation Plan option is assigned to multiple active compensation plans, calculation will process against all compensation plans that apply for the date ranges.

    The request includes only those plans that are valid for calculation.

  • Participants in pay group: Select one or more pay groups to include all of the associated participants in the calculation. The dates for the selected pay groups must be equal to, or earlier and later than the specified calculation to and from dates, respectively.

If you specify participants who are assigned to compensation plans or pay groups, then the calculation request includes only those participants who are active for the specified request date range.

This participant inclusion is a one-time filter. Changing the date range or plan and pay group assignments doesn't refresh the initial request participants for subsequent submissions of the request.

For any participant specified for calculation, you can select Include Reporting Participants. For participants with this option selected, the calculation request also includes all of the participants in the participant hierarchy that report up to the specified participant.