Credit Transaction Adjustments

Transaction adjustments affect credit and earnings transactions as well as transaction history. After you adjust transactions, you must run the Revert Transactions process before running any other transaction processing. View transaction history and process logs in the Credits and Earnings work area.

Save the Adjusted Credit Transaction

When you save your adjustments, this happens:

  1. The Save process obsoletes the original credit transaction.

    If calculation and payment processing included the original credit transaction, then the Save process also obsoletes the original earnings transaction.

  2. It creates another credit transaction based on the adjustments

  3. It also sets Preserve Credits to Yes on the base transaction

    This setting ensures that the next time the crediting process runs, it doesn't overwrite your adjustments. If you want to reapply credit rules to your adjusted credit transaction, then edit the base transaction to set Preserve Credits to No.

Move Transactions to History and Create Reversal Transactions

You run the Revert Transactions process to move any obsolete credit and earnings transactions to their respective history tables. The revert process also creates reversal transactions for use in future calculation and payment processing. Make sure your date range for Revert Transactions includes the date of the obsolete credit and the new credit.

The profile option Archival of Updated Credits Enabled controls what credit records are saved to the credit history table by the Revert Transactions process. You have two settings:

  • Yes

    Whenever a credit is changed, the credit is obsoleted and a new credit is created with the changed values. The old credit is always moved to the history table.

  • No

    When a credit for which the corresponding earnings is not paid is modified, the original credit is obsoleted and removed. The process moves the credit to the credit history table only if the corresponding earnings for the credit is in the paid status. This is the default setting for a new implementation.

Process Adjusted Transactions

The next time the calculation process runs, it does these actions:

  1. Reverses the original earning

  2. Calculates earnings using the adjusted credit transaction

Subsequent payment processing includes the reversed earnings transaction as well as any new earnings transactions created during calculation processing.