How Team Credit Rules Are Processed

Define teams of participants that the rollup process uses to create indirect credit transactions. Create and manage team credit rules in the Plan Assignments work area.

Settings That Affect Team Credit Rules

Plan components that calculate team commissions must have Include Indirect Credits set to All or Team. Create and manage plan components in the Compensation Plans work area.

How Team Credit Rules Are Processed

If the transaction participant is a member of a team, then the rollup process automatically creates an indirect rollup credit for every member of the participant's team. The rollup process creates team credits after processing direct and rollup credits.

Note: Even though all team members receive credit for the transaction, the credit rolls up the hierarchy only from the original transaction.

Team Credit Example

Steve is a member of a team that includes John and Bill. The collection process collects a transaction for 100 USD for which Steve is entitled to 100 percent credit. The rollup process automatically gives 100 percent indirect credit to John and Bill as well.

Credit Roll Up Example

Bob, Steve's manager, receives a 100 USD rollup credit from Steve, because Steve is the direct credit receiver. Regardless of whom John and Bill report to, that manager doesn't receive any rollup credit.