Crediting and Rollup Parameters

Parameters that you set using the Manage Parameters task in the Setup and Maintenance work area affect if and when crediting and rollup processes run. These parameters are application-level parameters that you set up as part of your implementation.

These selections also determine which credit rule hierarchy to use and whether to aggregate transactions during rollup. You create and manage the rule hierarchies and rules in the Participant Assignments work area.

Tip: After implementation, don't change these parameters in the middle of an accounting period. A change can require rerunning processes from the start of the period. Wait until the end of the period when you're sure you don't have transactions.

Enable Direct or Rollup Crediting

You can specify whether to enable both direct and rollup crediting or only one of the two processes. This table describes processing expectations and actions when you enable only one process.

Enabled Process

Processing Expectations and Actions

Direct Crediting only

Set up your credit rules to generate direct, indirect, and rollup credit transactions on transactions that match the rule qualifying criteria.

Rollup Crediting only

You must include credit receiver, credit amount, and credit split data on the transactions. The collection process then validates these transactions and loads them as credit transactions. The rollup process runs using the collected credit transactions.

Include direct credit receivers in the rollup hierarchy, on the lowest level rules.

You can set a process code on a transaction to override the results of crediting and rollup processes on that transaction. Your collected transactions must include the credit receiver, credit amount, split percentage, and revenue type. Your override requires these steps:

  • Provide the relevant process code on the source transaction

    For details about the valid process codes, see the How You Override Classification, Crediting, and Rollup Process Codes topic.

  • Run the collection and crediting processes to ensure credit transactions are picked up for subsequent processing.

Rollup Hierarchy to Use

If you enable rollup crediting, then you have two more parameters to set:

  • Which hierarchy to use to create the rollup credits

  • Whether to aggregate transactions during rollup

You can use these hierarchies for rollup processing.

Rollup Hierarchy Option


Credit hierarchy

Manage your rollup hierarchy within the credit hierarchy using the participants who are direct credit receivers associated with the direct credit rule. Participants in parent positions automatically receive all of the credit for direct credit receivers in descendant positions who have Roll Up to Parents selected on the direct credit rule.

Rollup hierarchy

Participants in parent positions automatically receive all of the credit for participants in descendant positions who report to them.


Use both the credit and rollup hierarchies to determine rollup credit.

Summarize Transactions

If you elect to summarize transactions during rollup, then you can also specify whether to summarize based on your company-specific criteria.

You can choose to summarize transactions during rollup. If you want to summarize using company-specific criteria, then you need to modify a procedure to replace the default summary process with your own process. This table lists the procedures you can modify.

Selected Rollup Hierarchy

Procedure to Modify

Credit hierarchy


Rollup hierarchy


Use these steps to modify a procedure:

  1. Create your code.

  2. Create a service request asking the Incentive Compensation product development team to review the code.

  3. Create a collaboration service request for the development team to update the package.

  4. Enter your rollup procedure name in the Manage Parameters page.

Use Cases for Parameter Settings

To help you figure out which combination of settings to use, review this list of use cases to find one that matches your situation. This table suggests how to set the parameters for each use case.

Use Case

Enable Direct Crediting

Enable Rollup Crediting

Rollup Hierarchy to Use

Collect credit transactions from another source, such as accounts receivable.



Rollup hierarchy

Collect credit transactions from another source and also create credit transactions within incentive compensation.



Credit hierarchy or Both

Create direct credit transactions using direct credit rules.



Not applicable

Create direct and indirect credits without using a reporting structure.



Not applicable

Collect credit transactions from another source. Within incentive compensation, create rollup and team credit transactions using the collected credit transactions.



Rollup hierarchy

Create credit transactions using incentive compensation direct and rollup credit rules.

You have more control over which direct credit splits roll up the hierarchy using this option.



Credit hierarchy

Collect transactions that include credit receivers. Also create team credits where every team member receives the same attainment based on each others' sales, without a reporting structure.


Use team credit rules as there is no parameter setting for teams.


Not applicable

Create credit transactions using direct credit rules. Also create team credits where every team member receives the same attainment based on each others' sales, without a reporting structure.


Use team credit rules as there is no parameter setting for teams.


Not applicable

Create credit transactions using direct credit rules. Create rollup credit transactions using the credit hierarchy. Possibly create overlays using the rollup rule hierarchy.

This setup is extremely rare and avoiding duplicate rollups is complex.


